Product Portfolio
Our product scope varies from silica gel (bulk and pre-packed specialties), HPLC columns, cartridges, plates, glassware and vials, cap and seals, filters to miscellaneous supportive materials to dedicated fine mechanicals and selective smaller laboratory equipment. Our international network gives us first hand access to approx. 50.000 different life-sciences products. Our producers offer customization services as well.
Pricing, Stock and Ordering
On this website a representative selection of our total portfolio can be found and prices can be requested. For many products on our website we conduct active stock keeping in order to facilitate next day dispatch of ordered products. The active stock is marked and searchable in the filters and shown on the product tables.
Orders can be placed by sending a mail to
Portfolio: Seaching and Filtering
We have divided our portfolio in a series of main product categories, each covering for specific sub-categories. The main category page displays the sub-categories and more filtering tools. The search box in the header searches in all website content – covering all categories and products. Illustrative (sub)category and a (growing) selection of product images are displayed on this website.
As life science products are often associated with unique application requirements, products with your specifications might not always be that easy to find. Simply Contact Us – we are there to help you Simply Finding Solutions.
The main product categories are shown below.